Oregon APEX Accelerator

Small Business Development Centers (SBDC)

About the SBDCs

Starting a business can be a challenge, but there is help for you in your area. Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) are partnerships primarily between the government and colleges/universities administered by the Small Business Administration and aims at giving educational services for small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs.

The Facts About SBDCs

•Located in all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Territories.
•Operated state-wide or at a state region-wide level.
•63 Lead Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs)
•Lead organization coordinates program services offered to small businesses through a network of subcenters and satellite locations in each state.
•Each center has a director, staff members, volunteers and part-time personnel

What is Offered?
•SBDC services include, but are not limited to, assisting small businesses with financial, marketing, production, organization, engineering and technical problems and feasibility studies
•All services given at SBDCs are free and confidential.
•Additional low cost training option are available.

•Assistance from an SBDC is available to anyone interested in beginning a small business for the first time or improving or expanding an existing small business, who cannot afford the services of a private consultant.

Find an SBDC:
•Visit the Association of Small Business Development Centers website to find your nearest SBDC.
•Also visit the Office of Small Business Development Centers for more information.