Oregon APEX Accelerator


  • Does Oregon Apex Accelerator charge for services?

    All of Oregon APEX Accelerator counseling services are FREE. We also offer training around the state that is typically free. After the 60 day free trial, GCAP does charge a minimal fee of $60/year for the Bid Matching Service.

  • NAICS- What are they, and where do I find them?

    NAICS are mandatory codes that classify the type of business an organization offers. Beginning in 1997, the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes began replacing SIC codes. This six-digit code is a major revision that not only provides codes for newer industries, but also reorganizes the categories on a production/process-oriented basis. Within your SAM registration, you can enter or update this data field on the "Goods and Services" page within the Assertions section. To find a NAICS that matches your business type please click here. www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/

  • What are Size Standards? How does SBA determine my size standards?

    Size Standards are measures that a registrant must meet in order to qualify as a small business. SBA usually establishes size standards by the number of employees or receipts for most industries based on the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System).

  • How are CAGE Codes assigned?

    The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the federal government. CAGE Codes will be assigned to registrants as their SAM registration goes through the validation process.

  • Dynamic Small Business Search

    Dynamic Small Business Search is the SBA profile page.

  • How can I have my business included in the Dynamic Small Business Search?

    If your business is a small business (size determined by SBA through NAICS codes in the SAM) a supplemental page with a link to your SBA profile will appear upon the completion of your SAM. By clicking on the link you will be able to enter data into your small business profile. The data will be readily accessed through the Dynamic Small Business Search, DSBS.

  • What is an MPIN?

    Marketing Partner Identification Number. A number created by you when you register in SAM. It is a personal code that allows you to access other government applications such as the Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS) and SAM. The MPIN acts as your password in these other systems, and you should guard it as such.  You must know your MPIN in order to update your SAM.  If you do not know if you can update it, be sure and write it down.

  • How do I obtain a SAM Number?

    If another entity requests your SAM Number they are referring to your UEI Unique Entity Identifier. You are assigned a UEI when you register your entity in SAM. 

  • How do I find an entity's small business status?

    An entity's size is based on the size metrics provided in comparison with the North American Industrial Classification codes and the Small Business Administration's size standards table for each of those codes. An entity is not considered small or other than small as a whole but rather in terms of each of the NAICS in keeping with SBA regulations. Contracting Officers are required to check the representations and certifications created by the entity and then they determine the size of that entity for a given award.

    • Go to SAM. Search for the entity
    • Click on View Details for the entity you need to view
    • Click on Representations and Certifications in the menu bar on the left
    • Scroll down to 52.212-3 or 52.219-1 and click on the provision.
  • What is a GSA Federal Supply Schedule contract and how do I find out if my company is eligible for one?

    GSA’s Federal Supply Schedule procurement vehicle is used by many Federal (and in some cases, State agencies) to buy commercial off-the-shelf products and services. Obtaining an FSS contract can be a somewhat complicated process. However, the resulting task orders can be very advantageous to those firms that complete the process and actively market their contract once received. Fortunately, Oregon Apex Accelerator has GSA FSS specialists that can assist you in each and every step from initial research to active participation during GSA negotiations. Please contact our main office in Springfield and we can begin your journey to additional Federal sales.